2023 SWAG - Weed Control

2023 Southwest Ag Summit


Course Name: Innovations in Weed Control Technologies




Module 1: Smart spray technology for weed control in vegetables


Dr. Nathan Boyd, University of Florida


Module 2: Sub-Centimeter Precision Weeding and Fertilizing with Verdant Robotics - Intelligent Sharp Shooter


Curtis Garner, Verdant Robotics


Module 3: The Benefits of Smart Mechanical Cultivation


Paul Elliott, FarmWise


Module 4: High Density Crop Weeding with Style


Teric Greenan, Nexus Robotics, Inc.






Course Number: CA-DPR # X-XXX-XX, 2.0 CEU's (Other), AZDA # XXXXX, 2.0 CEU's, CCA # SS XXXXX, 2.0 CEU's (IPM)


CEU Credits: This course is accredited by the California Department of Pesticide Regulation, Arizona Department of Agriculture and Certified Crop Adviser.



Course availability will be through the end of the year and will be removed December 31st 2023.

The course contains video so it requires a computer that can play audio and video.


Contact and technical support: Robert Masson, masson@arizona.edu.

Price: $20.00