CSU Up Seed Conditioning 106 - Caryover Seed, inventory and Storage

Summary: Seed lots are not always used entirely each planting season. Seed that was purchased or grown this year may require storage to be carried over to subsequent planting seasons. When seed is carried over, it is expected to be of the same quality as seed that was recently produced. As a result, understanding the best possible methods for carrying over seed to maintain high germination and viability is crucial.

This course is sixth in a series which will walk you through foundational concepts of seed conditioning.

Upskill Credentials: If you finish the entire course including passing the quiz with a score of 80% or better (which you can take up to 3 times) and filling out the short 5 mins feedback survey, then you will earn a badge certificate of completion. This course is under review for CEUs through the national Certified Crop Adviser program.

Price: $50.00