Forest Engineering 2023

This course encompasses all of the presentations from the 2023 NER.COFE Workshop. Each topic corresponds to each of the individual presentations and are approved for Category 1 Forester Licensing credits by both SAF and the State of Maine as described with each course.

The cost for each topic is $10.00/0.5 CEU which is to cover recording, processing, and online fees, and will continue to support the NER.COFE organization as the in-person workshop does.

Any questions may be forwarded to:

Ray Berthiaume, NER.COFE Chair, UNH Cooperative Extension Field Specialist, Coos County Forester

Forest Carbon Markets and Programs

Speaker: Charlie Levesque-Innovative Natural Resource Solutions, LLC

A discussion of the basics of forest carbon and what it might mean in future years for the forest industry. Specifically: how do forests capture and store carbon, how does the forest carbon market work, how might forest carbon programs impact timber harvesting, how do landowners access these programs, what does all this mean for managing our forests.

1.5 Category 1 CEUs; $30.00

Price: $30.00