Course Name: Southwest Ag Summit: Integrated Pest Management in Vegetables
Module 1: Updated on the Thrips and INSV Research on the Central Coast of California
Daniel Hasegawa, USDA - ARS, Salinas, CA
Module 2: INSV and Fusarium Wilt of Lettuce Update
Stephanie Slinski, University of Arizona, Yuma Center of Excellence for Desert Agriculture
Module 3: Fungicide Trails at Yuma Ag Center
Bindu Poudel - Ward, University of Arizona, Yuma Ag Center
Module 4: Update on Thrips and INSV in the Desert
John Palumbo and Samuel Discua Duarte, University of Arizona, Yuma Ag Center
Course Number: CA-DPR # 0-0374-22, 2.0 CEU's (Other), AZDA # 22321, 2.0 CEU's, CCA # SS 56196, 2.0 CEU's (IPM)
CEU Credits: This course is accredited by the California Department of Pesticide Regulation, Arizona Department of Agriculture and Certified Crop Adviser.
Pest Control Advisors, pesticide handlers, and growers who take this course will learn about Integrated Pest Management in Vegetables.
Course availability will be through the end of the year and will be removed December 31st 2022.
The course contains video so it requires a computer that can play audio and video.
Contact and technical support: Robert Masson,