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Pesticide Resistance w/Certificate $30.00 Quantity:
Preparing to be a Professional Horse Show Judge $20.00 Quantity:
Proceedings: Industrial Hemp at 2017 Vermont Grain Conference $35.00 Quantity:
Proper Pesticide Use to Avoid Illegal Residues w/Certificate $80.00 Quantity:
Proper Respirator Use $20.00 Quantity:
Proper Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)/ Uso Adecuado del Equipo de Protección Personal w/Certificate $60.00 Quantity:
Race Nebraska: Nebraska Horse Racing Awareness Seminar $20.00 Quantity:
Recomendaciones Para la Alimentación de Infantes para Proveedores en Hogares de Cuidado Infantil - Non CA $15.00 Quantity:
Recomendaciones Para la Alimentación de Niños Pequeños para Proveedores en Hogares de Cuidado Infantil - Non CA $15.00 Quantity:
Respiratory Hazards and Protection in Agriculture $20.00 Quantity:
Right of Way Weed Management $25.00 Quantity:
Scale Pests of Citrus w/Certificate $30.00 Quantity:
Seed Treatment Companion $10.00 Quantity:
SWAG_22_Cotton $20.00 Quantity:
SWAG_22_Laws_Regs_Update $20.00 Quantity:
SWAG_22_Regenerative_Ag $10.00 Quantity:
SWAG_22_Vegetable_IPM $40.00 Quantity:
SWAG_22_Water_Shortage $10.00 Quantity:
SWAG_22_Weeding $40.00 Quantity:
Toddler Feeding Recommendations for Family Child Care Home Providers - Non CA $15.00 Quantity:
Understanding Bits for Horses $10.00 Quantity:
Urban Pyrethroid and Fipronil Use: Runoff and Surface Water Protection w/Certificate $60.00 Quantity:
Vermont Pesticide Education: Category 7A Manual Review (no credit) $40.00 Quantity:
Vermont Pesticide Safety Education: Category 3B Manual Review (no credit) $40.00 Quantity:
Vermont Pesticide Safety Education: Category 7A Manual Review, Unit #1 (1 credit) $30.00 Quantity: